Hi there, I'm Ollie Slade.

A Web Developer based in the South East of England. Currently employed (and studying) at the University of Essex

JakeBot - 2018

This is a addon or "bot" for the popular chatting application Discord. Its main function is translation and has proven to be popular and profitable with over 12000 servers using it. Made with Python (Pycord).

JakeBot Website - 2020

This is associated website for the prior project. This was made using Flask on python and although appearing functional, is perhaps not the greatest codewise.

FoxFire - 2021

This is a search engine based on pulling a small number of more complete results using APIs. Developed as a project for school using Python.

Software Selection Tool - 2021

This is an Electron app developed personally for the company I was working for. It detected portable software installations and allowed you to run them, view what they did and search for them from an easy to use interface. Made using JavaScript.

Microsoft Translate Tool - 2021

A lightweight python package made for use with the Microsoft translation systems for JakeBot, and available for use by anyone.

Glass Castles - 2023

This is a website developed for a fictional band. This was developed for school using PHP.

Shapeshift Food Tracker - 2024

My second year team project, a production ready weight loss, food tracking website. Made using tailwind and apexcharts. Backend is Flask with a MySQL database. I did most of the frontend and part of the backend for this project.

Essex Students Union Site - 2024 + 2025

I worked as a developer for the Essex Students Union. During this time I developed the Welcome and Elections microsites according to the existing style guidelines and provided briefs, as well as the new staff portal and survey insights dashboard.